martes, 31 de octubre de 2017

Monthly Portfolio Analysis 31st Octuber 2017

SPX keep going up for another moth, +2.12 % at end 30th Octuber, making selling Credit Spreads a risky business in 2017. SPX YTD +14.92% and RTY +9.86% supports the idea better strategy this 2017 has been passive investment so far.

We had to manage and protect the CS Nov30th 2575/2560, resulting in an over all lost -7.49%.

Volatiliy keeps extreamly low, not giving much opportunities for selling Put Spreads.

In an attempt to minimize the CS 2575/2600 lost we have opened

4 RUT Nov CS 1570/1580 at 0.96
3 SPX Nov PS 2425/2450 at 1.1
3 SPX Dec PS 2425/2450 at 2

We still have opened Dec 3 CS 2625/2650 looking badly with still two months to go.