domingo, 31 de diciembre de 2017

2017 Bellini Portfolio Analysis

2017 comes to an end, and is time to review our selling options spreads strategy to creat wealth, and constant monthly returns.

The year started with a bad 1Q, -4% resul that was well managed ending 3Q with a healthy +10% YTD.
However 4Q was a terrible quarter mainly due to the strengh of the american market, and the wrong strategy of selling CALL SPREADS instead of selling PUT SPREADS.

Final result is -1.135% 2017.

If we compare the result with SPX +19.42% looks like a poor 2017 strategy.

Nonetheless we will keep selling spreads for 2018 and we will mantain our aim to be year and yar profitable at least pocketing a 10% return till retirenment.

Will keep educating in order to be able to trade as succesfull as one of my inspirations @lazytrading and recently joined his LT Options Course

Currently have no open trades for 2018, needed to recover my trading emotions after current losses. Expect a bullish 201 as well, but markets will consolidate at one point where most od my trading should be done.