Draghi did the whatever it takes again, So here we are on a bullish market mood again and SPX only -1.11% YTD, while the Russell 2000 is down -4.26% 2016. Bellini portfolio is down -6.53% YTD.
Past week we sold the 2 SPY April 202 for a 2.78 credit peroption adding 0.88%.
Next week we will cash in the PS Mar 1745/55 adding +1.3% yield to our portfolio.
Open positions are:
5 SPX PS April 1690/1700 at 0.75 with 10 Deltas and 90% probability of success. 15% out of the Money and 26 days left for expiration.
2 SPX PS 30th May 1475/1500 at 1.95 with 0.1 Deltas 99% probability of success will try to close this week to liberate margin.
2 SPX PS 30th June 2175/2200 at 1.9 with 10 Deltas and 90% probability of success 7.2% OTM.
For the week I might add a CS on May as well as adding a June PS on 10 Deltas.
Happy Trading
Your positions are great. Keep up the good work.