martes, 1 de enero de 2019

2018 Bellini Portfolio Analysis

Evrything was going smoothly and following a good plan till December crash started. Think we played conservatively along the year, and that should be the strategy for 2019. Barely any Call Spreads were deployed and all the position were open on Put Spreads when a spike on the VIX occured and an oversold on momentum indicators.

A return +2.81 for the year is good compared to the SPX, but would have been near double digit if the sold-off would happened. The management of the Dec31 2370/80 was poor, if only I would stop out earlier when it got to 30 deltas! , but with such few days till expiration didnt want to materialise the looses. bad decision as I finally did, a day before it soared.

Markets have reacted to the exuberances of last bull years, too abruptly tho. Think we have approached a short term support on the 200 EMA weekly and long term trendline. Lets see where the markets go from here

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